Audio Research 100.2 amp

I have been in the market for amp upgrade. Integrated was my first option, but someone recommended ARC 100.2 power amp for audition. Does anyone know or have experience with this amp? I did a little research on the net but could not find much. Any input would be appreciated. MY speakers are Sunes Faber Signum and Pioneer DV-525 (to be mod'd and DAC to be added later). Music preference is 95% classic, especially strings and chorals. Also, any recommended dealer, approx price would be great! Thanks. Ken

Showing 4 responses by sedond

hey ral, mebbe that's why i like my electrocompaniet amps - also a mosfet design. & no haze or bass wimpyness that *i'm* aware of... not that i have one for sale, or anything... ;~)
khogkugo, the 100.2 is *clandestine*, cuz it's solid-state, made by one of the reknowned tube mfr's. i've heard it driving a pair of proac 2.5's w/a res-audio cd-50 thru an arc ls-16 preamp - *wery* nice.
khokugo, forgive me, but i'm not sure what it is you refer to, when you ask about articles *on this*. my opinion about the 100.2 being "clandestine" cuz its a ss amp made by a company known for their toob-stuff is yust that - an opinion. my experience listening to the arc stuff driving the proacs is also yust that - *my* experience. i can say, tho, that its owner bought the arc gear cuz he already had & liked the proacs, & it's what proac recommended he buy for their speakers. he also told me he heard from a reliable source at arc that arc's owner uses this same amp-n-pre to drive proac 2.5's in his own home, but i can't swear this is true...

regards, doug

hey khokugo, what preamp do ya use? this wood also affect yer amp choice.

how about a nice electrocompaniet aw100 amp? i got one adwertised here on audiogon, asking $895... ;~) yeah, i know - shameless plug! only selling it to find an aw75 to match my aw75, so i can run a pair bridged.