Burn-in and Equipmemt Value

A lot of people strongly believe that burn-in results in better sound quality and some will even pay more for cables that have the burn-in done by the manufacturer. If burn-in is real, then why isn't used equipment worth more than it is? At a minimum, shouldn't the demo equipment from a respected retailer be worth more when manufacturer warranties are still in play and the equipment is essentially new?

As a side question, why is it that any perceived change in a system where burn-in is credited it is assumed that the burn-in was on the newest piece of equipment? Some users report changes from burn-in hundreds and thousands of hours down the road.

I understand break-in on speakers and tube amplifiers, but struggle greatly with things like cables and digital sources.
A cable can have oxidation/tarnishing issues and mechanical joints can weaken from repeated handling, but what exactly in a cable can wear out?
"Why is it that burn-in is generally assumed to always result in a positive change?"

The designer will judge the finished, or pre production product, only after its broken in. So if you want to get best results, at least from the maker's perspective, you need to listen to a unit that is broken in because that's how they listen to gear during the design process.
there are three ways to "break-n" a component. One way is a cd, like the PAD burn-in disc, which emits random frequencies in a background of white noise.

Another is a burn in devise, like the audio harma, or the hegeman.

the last approach is to play a cd for hundreds of hours.

i believe that an experienced listener can hear the difference between one method an another.

it is therefor important to specify the manner of break-in.
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I have NEVER, EVER heard any hifi product which I initially hated morph into something I like. I do not drink the "burn-in" kool-aid.