dedicated power line

I am in the process of having and electrician upgrade our home service to 200 amps. While he is at this it is quite easy for him to run a dedicated line for my hifi closet. What are the cost effective measures that i can have him put in place that have proven to upgrade sonic (and for that matter video) performance.

Receptacles are rated for either 15a or 20a, but as you said, some are not labeled. Should be on the original spec sheet.
agree with all posters but now is the time to put a surge, lightning supressor on the box.

01-28-11: Davetherave
"And don't forget to put those little stands under all the wires."

Davetherave, now that is just silly. How will the electrician get stands into the walls? My guess is he will just pull the Romex through holes in the wall studs and let the studs hold them up.

Or were you implying that taking steps to improve the power from the main panel (dedicated lines, isolation transformer, power filtering, reducing ground loops, avoiding induced ground voltages, spike/surge protection, outlets that make better contact) deliver the same demonstrated audio/video improvement as cable elevators?

(tongue firmly in cheek)
I'm hoping someone can tell me about romex 10ga. vs. 10ga. wire that comes from a co. called Colonial, it says 600V on the wire. Will this wire do for dedicated lines? Thanks all for your responses.