Glenn Campbell - new found respect

I'm soon to be 50 and recall being forced to watch the Hee Haw show as a child. My dad loved that show and on Saturday nights he made sure our one TV was tuned to this show. I recall guest appearances - Cash, Pride, Campbell.... and some many others.
I'm not a Country music nut but do appreciate good music across the spectrum from pop, rock, big band, jazz, blues... and country.
I never realized just how talented Glenn C. is. Check out this you tube performance 'Glenn Campbell In Concert In Sioux Falls. It's from a 2001 show before the ravages of mental illness set in. He was no spring chicken at this point but still had a great voice. His guitar playing is so clean, sharp... but without being over the top or forced. I'm guessing I'll get slammed here by some critics but also think others on Agon will appreciate this Sioux Falls performance. Enjoy!!!!
The first LP I purchased was 'Wichita Lineman' in 1969 at age 12. The first 45 single I purchased was 'Galveston'. Glen has been a favorite the whole time.

For anyone who wants to do the Glen Campbell deep dive, there are the four big albums ... Gentle on My Mind, By the Time I get to Phoenix, Wichita Lineman, and Galveston.

He's a really good guitarist, and was Brian Wilson's first replacement as touring bassist in The Beach Boys.
Great artist. I constantly play the duet album he did with Anne Murry. The second track, a mix of say a little prayer/Phoenix, is a classic.
I heard a radio interview with Glenn Campbell where he describes being a session musician working his first date with Frank Sinatra. Nelson Riddle rehearsed the arrangements prior to Sinatra arriving. Campbell was the third guitar player and described his parts as not having to play much. When Sinatra arrived Campbell decided to ignore his guitar parts and just focus on Sinatra. He wanted to see how "The Man" worked. Sinatra was all business and quickly started singing with his back to the band. Mid way through the first song Sinatra puts down his headphones and walks over to Riddle and says something to him. The band stops playing and Riddle approaches Campbell and asks, "Frank wants to know why you're not playing your guitar part?" The experience pressed upon Campbell how much focus and attention to detail he would need to have if he wanted to be the man.