One Super high end cable or mid level set?

Has anybody out of choice decided to allocate all of their cable budget on one super high end model (say for just as an example a Nordost Vallhalla or Odin interconnect) whilst keeping there other cables at a much cheaper range or evan stock.
As opposed to the presumable much more common practice of buying a more 'balanced' mid level but complete cable loom ( again just as an example Nordost Red Dawn)
I suppose the question is can an 'incredible' never to be upgraded single cable produce a more magical ( or even equal) sound ,( supposing of course that it is of suitable quality to reveal these qualities.) than the compromised but more balanced set?
Thanks so far for the reply's.Just to be clear I'm not asking specifically in regards to my own system. I'm perfectly happy with my modest all Supra loom. It's just a question I haven't seen raised a lot. I was hoping to hear more from those members who both own and obviously believe in the worth of these top of the range models (from such respected companies such as Siltech, Cardas and MIT etc.
Here's another type of example I was thinking of.
How would a set of Cardas 'Clear' speaker cables matched with sets of Cardas entry level 'Crosslinks' interconnects and power cords actually perform ( again on a suitable high end system) as opposed to a complete 'loom' of the mid level Cardas Cross range? Has anyone who presently owns ( dealers of course would ) a 'low' , 'mid' and 'high-end' cables ever tried this type of experiment?
Cardas Cables (I tried them all) were the worst cables for my system. You have to hear the cable in YOUR system to determine its value. Every cable is different in different applications.
My question is addressed of course to people who have found a well matched 'make' for their system and is in regards to the choice of 'models' from that 'make'.
This is a very very tough question to answer, simply because the answer would vary from one cable to other and from one system to other. But I would still like to give you an answer.

If you know of a cable which is really special in your system, get it. In all probability the cable would be either a digital cable or an analog IC between your CDP and preamp. Most of the magic occurs only at such early stages of signal reproduction. We are not talking about speaker cables here, just interconnects. So, get that special cable even if it is very expensive. For the rest of the system use some decent neutral copper cables which do not harm much even they may not be anything special (something like the Audionote Lexus). In my experience the magic has already been brought into the system by that one "super" cable and you are definitely hearing a good 75-80% of the magic even with the decent inexpensive cable if not 100%.

Second case, if you split up the money in equal halves and buy two or three average to good cables, the chances of getting the same % of the magic is very very low. It is simple. The magic was because of that one extraordinary cable (you can call it high quality synergy) which is extremely difficult to replicate with a different and that too lesser cable.

In summary, if you do not know of any high-end cable which you think is amazing in your system, you may want to experiment with both the approaches. But in case, you are lucky enough to know that one great cable which does amazing things in your system, go for it. Balance the rest of the system with something that you can afford.
Pani - Your response makes no sense to me. Let me explain.

Assuming a CD player outputs a perfect signal via a perfect cable, that signal is going to be processed in a pre-amp and sent via an 80% "perfect" cable to the amplifier. I don't understand how the second cable would be any less important than the first as it would be the limiting factor. The only way to justify that a cable sound better, rather than different, is to assume that it somehow carries more or more detailed information that would be filtered out in the second cable. Obviously, the better the signal at any one stage the better the end result, but I don't see how one super cable could really make a significant difference beyond the bling knowledge.

I'm certainly not an expert, it just doesn't make sense to me.