One Super high end cable or mid level set?

Has anybody out of choice decided to allocate all of their cable budget on one super high end model (say for just as an example a Nordost Vallhalla or Odin interconnect) whilst keeping there other cables at a much cheaper range or evan stock.
As opposed to the presumable much more common practice of buying a more 'balanced' mid level but complete cable loom ( again just as an example Nordost Red Dawn)
I suppose the question is can an 'incredible' never to be upgraded single cable produce a more magical ( or even equal) sound ,( supposing of course that it is of suitable quality to reveal these qualities.) than the compromised but more balanced set?
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Thanks so far for the reply's.Just to be clear I'm not asking specifically in regards to my own system. I'm perfectly happy with my modest all Supra loom. It's just a question I haven't seen raised a lot. I was hoping to hear more from those members who both own and obviously believe in the worth of these top of the range models (from such respected companies such as Siltech, Cardas and MIT etc.
Here's another type of example I was thinking of.
How would a set of Cardas 'Clear' speaker cables matched with sets of Cardas entry level 'Crosslinks' interconnects and power cords actually perform ( again on a suitable high end system) as opposed to a complete 'loom' of the mid level Cardas Cross range? Has anyone who presently owns ( dealers of course would ) a 'low' , 'mid' and 'high-end' cables ever tried this type of experiment?
Cardas Cables (I tried them all) were the worst cables for my system. You have to hear the cable in YOUR system to determine its value. Every cable is different in different applications.
My question is addressed of course to people who have found a well matched 'make' for their system and is in regards to the choice of 'models' from that 'make'.