Most attractive power cables?

Forget for a moment how power cables sound and tell me which power cables have the most stunning visual appearance. This might be superficial but, let's face it, some of these things are real eye candy.
How about...

Forget for a moment how power cables look and tell me which power cables have the most stunning sonic impact. This will of course be pure malarkey but, let's face it, some of these things are real eye candy.
The fattest hoses you can get. I think they have a name like The Mega Giga Tera ne Plus Ultra Super Fatboy LE AWG of 1 Linkwitz O'Rien Pure Twisted Single Monlithic Crystal Silver Platinum Rhdodium Mercury Flux Liquid Carbon Fiber Alloy wrapped in a Multi Layer Geometric Array of Vat aged Single Barrel Vintage Elaborately Embroirdered Kimono Silk undergarment Materials -with proprietary continuosly extruded terminal interfaces- "Power Delivery System." I understand it comes with a customizable deep finishes finish of your choice including endagered reptile hides, rare burls from deforested wetlands, or irredescent butterfly wings(wich are excellent dialectrics and block RFI RMI ). Any of these finshes can be impregnated with orange or green flourescenes. Truck or air frieght delivery on a pallet only. It is a bit unweildy of course but absolutely stunning.
Stock power cables all look more or less the same: black plastic cords varying only slightly by thickness and length. As long as cable manufacturers are going to the trouble of making their cables visually distinctive, I think it's fair game to discuss the subject.