

Discussions mikedimitrov has started

Jorma or Kimber KS speaker cables and IC26775
Older Moon W8 vs 860a 43307
Aries Cerat Helena or Mola Mola Tambaqui?1062316
Shindo Mazeris vs Lamm L2 Reference vs Blue Circle vs Einstein Tube? 12680
Manley 240Reference or Rogue Zeus?10352
need balanced tube preamp used 37148
Einstein The Tube vs Audio Reaserch REF51082511
advice cd player with great preamp section27813
analog sounding DAC?3085013
Reimyo cdp 777 vs Reimyo CDT 777844110
Kimber KS 3035 vs Nordost Valhalla speaker cables4408714
Ancient audio Lector Prime cd player114949
Avalon Indra vs Eggelston Andra III1169310
Must have classic recordings32079