Speaker cables from Asia

I see alot of offerings on speaker cables and IC's on Ebay from Asia Etc.Has anyone tried these if so how did you make out. I also have a concern that these might be like a Rolex on the streets in N.Y. look genuine but not so.
Can anyone shed a little light

Mcintosh amp & pre
VPI turntable
Rogue phono stage
Vandersteen 3A speakers
I saw a pair of what looked like Kimber 12tc from a seller in China.They looked like Kimbers but did not have any markings. The ad said 12tc but not Kimber so I guess "buyer beware" would fit here.I always think about the old adage "If it sounds too good to be true,it probably is".
Where are the original cables from? Not trying to be a smart ass here, but if they are actually made in China, then the knock-off and the genuine item might be from the same factory.
I don't know about the others, but Kimber cables (8TC, 12TC etc) are made in USA.
I m puzzle with the response to this thread from some posters. Is it right to assume so long a product is from China or chinese in origin its a fraud? Do these posters ever dealt with any chinaman from asia before they post remarks like if its from china assume its a knockoff ?
I suppose when we purchase anything on line we have nothing but common sense to guide us to hopefully make a right decision. Off course I will never buy anything that is way below market price.
The world is not better off economically because of some non-asian who created beautiful non tangible and fraudulent products and fed it to the world.
There ur fraud are every where regardless of race, religion, country of origin or sex. Type casting asian is certainly not right.
By the way I m a chinaman from asia, who purchased online stuff from HK, Singapore, Indonesia and mainly USA and UK