Any great Cardas power cords?

What Cardas power cords have the same sound signature as Neutral Reference IC and speaker cables? I once tried Golden Reference and found it too slown and coloured for my taste and system (McIntosh & Sonus Faber). Neutral Reference IMHO has great balance of musicality and neutrality. What power cords do I need if I like that kind of sound? I'm a bit afraid that Cardas power cords will make my system sound too fuzzy and slow.
I am currently using Golden Reference and I don't have any coloration or speed issues in my system, in fact, it sounds neutral to me. You might need to steer clear of Cardas to get the sound you want.
to me cardas, GR,is one of the slowest PC, I,have tried,lacking texture,the bass is all over the place,
now using audience PC e'version day and night difference,
focus,full body sound and very tight bass,just kept a pair of I/C, between my DAC and preamp, replaced the rest with Analysis solo crystal oval, again full body sound and a magical mid range, highly recommend this cable: