Reality cables or Grover Huffman

I should be receiving new speakers in about 2 weeks.In audio talk that means about one month.I will be needing speaker cables and have narrowed the field to the two mentioned above.
Has anyone auditioned both?
I know I could order both and return one pair but I wouldn't want to use the maker for a test.I'd rather work off your experiences.
OEM, you've obviously done your research. You can't go wrong with either. Both get generally excellent reviews. The GH speaker cables may fair slightly better, but also cost about 20% more. Also, there is no reason the spades used wouldn't sound as good as the bananas used. Speaking in non-convience terms spades are next in line after bare wire for connection of choice.

FYI, from what I've found if you're timeline is less than a month you better get that GH order in ASAP. Reality you'd have a little more pondering time. Of course as always YMMV.
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Tvad,Very nice system.Your advice as to trying both is noted
and the way I will go.

Musicman Thank you.
Gotta also put my endorsement in for Grover's "Silver Ribbons" (bi-wire w/silver wire ends). I use them from my Classe CAP 151 integrated to my Apogee Slant 6 speakers they are (for me) very relaxed and netural in thier presentation, excellent detail and extention, for me one hell of a bargin. Grover is also very responsive to any questions you might have for support.
I was very happy with Reality cables with Chapman speakers with B&K, or Aragon and now Ncore amps until I auditioned the Huffmans, along with 6-7 other brands. I expected to spend a good deal of time on an interconnect and speaker cable shoot-out. Took no time at all. The Reality bettered everything but the Huffmans on which I preferred every performance aspect.