PCs: Transparent vs Audience

Some have suggested upgrading my Krell KAV 400xi with an aftermarket powercord. Using Transparent interconnects presently and so considering a Transparent pc (power link super) or the Audience powerchord. Budget is $300. Thanks for any input!
IMHO spending $300 on a power cord is a major misallocation of fund. I am sorry if my opinion offends anyone but that is the conclusion I draw after over 30 years in this hobby.
for $380 go for a Purist Audio Design Museus PC. Works very well w/ the Krells.
Be sure any cord you buy is returnable without a restocking fee. If a material, improvement in the sound takes place, keep it. Otherwise, move on to another. Yes, some cables can make a significant difference, but they are hard to find and the price has nothing to do with which one will work for you. Try some 'hospital' units, low cost and high quality.
Sidssp - I too cringe at shelling out cash for aftermarket pcs; Krell on their website a while back recommended against it. However, a few people I know (not dealers) with the same equipment strongly recommend it.

I can only speak for my own experiences. After 30 some odd years in this hobby, I have played with and paid for more power cords than I like to admit. At the end, I just couldn't convince myself and my friends that they make much if any audible difference. I am now using only stocked cable throughout my system.

Maybe my system is not sensitive to power cord. Or maybe my 50 year old ears can't hear the difference anymore. So there is nothing wrong if you want to try something different. Just make sure you don't have to pay for them before trying out.