How does one "Get lost in the music"?

I seem to have lost the ability over the years. Is there a routine you guys follow to get yourself into that state?

My mind is constantly drifting/thinking when i am listening. My equipment is very musical and hiend in nature so i cant blame my equipment for my inability to get emotionally attached.

I dont expect to get into this state everytime i listen, but would like it to happen at least weekly.

Any advice is much appreciated
Yes, Noromance, yes.
It's like what Peggy Lee sings about in "Some Cats Know".
my suggestion is to see a psychotherapist, take a tranquilizer, or have a glass of wine.

direct communication of the personal kind is more efficacious than positing on a discussion forum.
If this doesn't move you, sell the stereo. (kidding!)

(Duet at Roy Harper's 70th birthday celebration at the Royal Festival Hall on 5/11/11)
it's easy to immerse oneself in the music. find components that don't distract you, so that you are not trying to analyze their faults.

it is also a function of mindset , as well.