Power cord suggestions for CDP and tube amp

I just purchased a Consonance Droplet 5.0 CDP and wondered what after-market cables are recommended for this player. I did read a thread about this from January of this year, but wondered if users had any more suggestions. I saw that Consonance actually makes cables as well, but found no opinions about their power cables here.

I would also like recommendations for a power cable for an Art Audio Carissa Signature tube power amp (this amp is not in the same system as the CDP.)

I can not afford thousands of dollars for these cables, I would prefer only paying $400-$500 for each - used is fine!

Irish65 - I would be happy to give you feedback about the festival. Mind you that I am not any where near an expert, but I will do my best.

Thanks for the suggestion, John. I am tapped out right now as far as my power cord budget it concerned.

I bought a Virtual Dynamics Nite 3 power cord at RMAF for a great price, but still spent more than I had planned. I need to settle down now!

I also need to listen to all of these cords - VH Audio, Black Sands Violet and Virtual Dynamics - to see (hear) what I think of them. :-)
