Power cord suggestions for CDP and tube amp

I just purchased a Consonance Droplet 5.0 CDP and wondered what after-market cables are recommended for this player. I did read a thread about this from January of this year, but wondered if users had any more suggestions. I saw that Consonance actually makes cables as well, but found no opinions about their power cables here.

I would also like recommendations for a power cable for an Art Audio Carissa Signature tube power amp (this amp is not in the same system as the CDP.)

I can not afford thousands of dollars for these cables, I would prefer only paying $400-$500 for each - used is fine!


Showing 7 responses by oakiris

Thank you both for your responses. I will look into the cables suggested. Any other recommendations?

Thorman - stupid noob question for you. On the VH site, Chris is offering 15 Amp or 20 Amp versions of the power cord - I have seen these 2 selections on other cable sites, too. How does one determine which version is needed??? :-o

Also, are you using the Virtual Dynamic cable for your CDP and the VH Flavor 4 for your amp?

I really don't have any complaints about the way my system sounds now with stock cords. I've read a lot about how the "right" power cord can improve the sound of a system so I want to try some different cords to see if I can hear a - hopefully positive - difference.

A warm, smooth, fast & lively system sounds like what I want. :-) Are these really contradictory audio terms, or is such a system impossible to configure? Serious question - I have a lot to learn.

FYI, I emailed Don of DCCA last week; I'm still waiting for a response. :-(

I emailed Virtual Dynamics Tuesday and received a response yesterday. They no longer sell the Nite 2 cable, as I suspected, but say that the Nite 3s are an improvement over the Nite 2s all across the board. They are (currently) just slightly above my price range, but I may try a Nite 3 anyway. I have yet to find any used Nite 2s for sale.

Received my Black Sand cables yesterday and will be getting my VH Audio Flavor 4 cable on Friday. I am still going to buy one or two more power cables - guess I'm on a roll and really want to find out if I can detect a difference between PCs in my system/s. So far I have heard no remarkable change using a Black Sand violet on my Consonance Droplet, but this is after only a couple of CDs - way too soon to make a decision. I will be able to A/B the Black Sand and the Flavor 4 this weekend, if I don't spend too much time at RMAF! :-D

Clio09 - I will definately be going to RMAF. I didn't realize that Virtual Dynamics would be there! I will certainly check out their room, and I, too, hope they have some demo/used cables for sale.

Irish65 - I'm sorry to hear about your injury and that you won't be able to attend. I have missed RMAF the last two years and have kicked myself for not going; I will be there this year. I will be picking up my Sistrum multi-platform from Star Sound; Robert is bringing it with him (a savings on shipping and a RMAF discount to boot.) I look forward to talking with Robert and hearing their new offerings.

Dan of DCCA Audio emailed me today. He responded to my email last week, too, but for some reason I didn't receive it. I am hoping to get a power cord from him, too. He has a great return policy and I think I will enjoy working with him.

I'm getting really excited about going to RMAF. I have read the comments/reviews of folks that have gone the last two years and it sounds like a very good, all-audio, fun festival indeed.

Irish65 - I would be happy to give you feedback about the festival. Mind you that I am not any where near an expert, but I will do my best.

Thanks for the suggestion, John. I am tapped out right now as far as my power cord budget it concerned.

I bought a Virtual Dynamics Nite 3 power cord at RMAF for a great price, but still spent more than I had planned. I need to settle down now!

I also need to listen to all of these cords - VH Audio, Black Sands Violet and Virtual Dynamics - to see (hear) what I think of them. :-)
