overwhelmed by record rituals

Hi all-

I'm new to vinyl and starting to build a collection. Because I am just buying new audiophile quality vinyl (so far) it never occurred to me I should be washing the vinyl before I play it. So far my process has been to use a bit of Last stylus cleaner on the stylus (maybe after every 3 or 4 plays) and to use an Audioquest brush on the record before dropping the needle. I am starting to get some pops and clicks, though, so wondering if I should be doing more. I read through record rituals and I am a bit overwhelmed and looking for a simple process. My first question is if I should invest in a record cleaning machine before I invest in more vinyl? Is VPI a decent (modestly priced) one? Second, this article in Stereophile on Last record preservation made me wonder if I should be doing that?
So I guess that would mean my process might be VPI (or other record cleaner) for a new record (and periodically, I'm assuming, after that) followed by a one time treatment with Last record preservative. Using the carbon Audioquest brush and Last stylus cleaner as I have been all along?

Any guidance?


Go back to old school that's basically everything similar minus brainwash. Keeping records clean is enough.
1. Purchase enough VRP or MoFi inner sleeves and keep the original inner sleeve if you have to (lyrics, poster etc).
2. Don't get overwhelmed by cleaning your stylus. Less stress is best!. I've been keeping 'dirty' styluses for near 10,000 hours before re-tip. sweeping dust is enough in vast majority of cases. Using liquid stylus cleaner only upon necessity if you can't sweep or simply blow the dust away from needle(best!). So if I can't blow the dust away, I'll use brush and if I can't brush it away I'll use stylus cleaner. My stylus cleaner is Stanton .5oz bottle that I still have since over 20 years ago and it's not even half-way down.
3. Don't get overwhelmed by cleaning records before each listening - less stress is best. You can clean right out of the shrink wrap and than keep it this way. Use anti-static brush and keep them clean in good clean sleeves after listening.
4. Don't limit yourself with audiophile pressings. Very and very often these pressings don't match quality of original issues and sometimes even inferior.
5. If you only plan to purchase new records, than I's suggest waiting till you get hefty collection of at least few hundreds before you'll develop an urge to professionally clean them. It may happen probably few or more years after you've purchased your new vinyl. You will probably develop more ticks that professional cleaning can take care of.
6. As vinyl being a large part of my hobby and professional business, I use an ultrasonic bath and self-constructed spindle rack that allows a record to spin at 1...2 rpm inside the ultrasonic well. Also the well has aquarium filter. It's substantially superior to VPI vacuum cleaner.
Regarding stylus cleaning, while I may be prejudiced as the author, the following remains definitive even after eleven years:


Google "stylus cleaning magic eraser" and you'll find posts from thousands of satisfied users on dozens of forums.

Some form of liquid record cleaning (and rapid, vacuum removal of the grunge-laden fluid) is very advisable. Dragging microscopic junk through a plastic groove with a sharp-edged diamond is not a good plan for the long-term health of the plastic.

Having tried virtually every commercial product out there, I'm partial to the fluids made/sold by AIVS.
Margot, I believe in a 'pure' water rinse- how pure can drive you to distraction, but in my estimation, it is good practice- to remove any residue from the fluid and pick up any remaining contaminants.So, yes, separate applicators, vacuum wands/towers (for the rinse step vacuum). There are all kinds of tricks you pick up along the way- for example if a record is pretty nasty, you want to pre-clean before you clean- especially to avoid grinding detritus into the grooves by vigorous agitation/scrubbing. (There are scrubbers and flooders, all different pews in the same 'church').
I wrote an extensive piece on all this, including an interview with the Library of Congress folks on cleaning practices. Happy to send or post, so long as you (and others) appreciate that it is based on my personal experience, and not meant as the last word on the subject-
Hello, Whart. I'd love to read your piece on this! Could you also clarify what a separate vacuum wand might mean? Do I need another attachment to vacuum up after the rinse stage? Would VPI or Nitty Gritty etc sell that as an accessory? Or am I misreading your message?

with many thanks! Margot