Personal Turntable Evolution

They have this "evolution" thread for Amplifiers and for Speakers, I think it would be interesting to find out what Turntables everyone has owned in their audio journey.

For me, its:
1. Dual 1225
2. Bang & Olufsen RX w/MMC5 cartridge
3. Denon DP59L
4. Rega Planar 3 with Accutex MM cartridge
5. Kenwood KD-5070 w/Audio Technica cartridge
6. Harman Kardon T45 w/Ortofon OA-30 cartridge

I tend to keep TT's for a long time compared to amps and speakers and currently own both 5 & 6. I had my Rega for over 20 years and don't see ever going back to a fully manual turntable - just too lazy. Look forward to seeing your comments. Thanks
1. Original AR Shure cart
2. BSR(?) Shure cart
3. Modified original AR with Grace 707 Shure cart
4. Last version of the AR Shure cart
5. Home built with Linn Basik arm Audioquest HOMC cart
6. VPI HW-19 III Premeir FT-3 (Sumiko arm wrap) AQ HOMC AT OC9/ML
7. VPI TNT modified, Jelco 750D Lyra Clacis DC AT OC9/ML
8. VPI Aries Extended (original) JMW-12 AT OC9/ML AT OC9/II current
Lots of cool stuff now TW AC3 with all BN updates &TW 10.5 arm Transiguration cartridge.
Technics unknown model
bang and olufsen
linn ekos
sota sapphire
VPI aries
Nottingham spacedeck
VPI scoutmaster
Rega rp8
Rega rp10

Most were lateral moves searching for Nirvana with late 70's pressings. Rega produced the biggest upgrade.