Cary or Conrad Johnson phono preamp?

I am trying to decide which of the following phono preamp to purchase:

1. Cary PH-302 MkII
2. Conrad Johnson TEA2 SE

Anyone have any recommendations? Thanks.
I just bought a cj TEA2MAX and it is pretty fantastic. But I can't help you with the comparison you seek as I have not auditioned the Cary.
I like the CJ sound over the Cary. But consider a K&K Audio Maxxed Out phono stage.

I have to second the Herron VTPH-2. I have one because I haven't heard anything as good. At any price. It is tubes, but without bloat or excessive warmth, and it's dead quiet.
As long as alternatives are being suggested I'll add the Fosgate Signature currently available for about $2M. All tube. No transformer or transistor in the signal path. Variable cartridge loading. Tube rectification and more gain than the CJ. Same gain as Cary. No need to match tubes when rolling. TAS (and HiFi+) have reviewed both it and the CJ, both online.