Top 5 favorite MM cartridges currently available

What are your top 5 (or so) favorite MM carts that are readily available new. Cost is not a restriction but mentioning it, for the unitiated, would be nice. No used or out of production carts please. Thanks
London/Decca Super Gold ==== LIVEST sounding cartridge I've ever heard. Kinda been "the route" during the last 40 years.

How much force should a cantilever be able to withstand before bending? That is like getting in 2 accidents and blaming the car.
Mo-fi, I would think he wants a high output cartridge "like" a moving magnet, so I don't know whether he would exclude an MI type from the search. An "MM" phono stage will typically deal with either unless the output is unusually low, as for a few MI types and a rarer few MM types. Anyway, ... cool.