Calling all owners - Jasmine LP 2.0 MKII

I've got about 4 full day's use on mine but do not like what I hear.

Question: How dramatically does this phono preamp change throughout break-in?

I hear distortion (spittiness and splashy bass as if it is running out of power) and a flat soundstage.

I am using the stock power cord and umbilical.

I compared it to my other three phono preamps - Hagerman Bugle, V-LPS, Biotronics Control Systems Gestalt (outstanding and extremely rare). They all are much clearer and cleaner.

It must be mentioned that I requested the Ebay seller to provide a reduction in global gain since I have loads of it with my Project Sunrise II headphone amp. They added a switch on the rear that cuts gain by about 5 dB.
Another consideration on output caps: An Audiogon member told me that Auricaps were even better than the Jantzen Superior Z-caps. He thought the z-caps were only just good. If that is true, the Auricaps must be really remarkable.

If you give them a try, I would like to hear of your experience.
How does on break in a new phono stage as quickly as possible besides leaving it on? I assume trying to play as much vinyl through it in the waking hours. Is there a quicker way?
I use a hagerman Inverse RIAA Filter( $50) and plug a Squeezebox Touch output in and play Internet radio none stop to accelerate the burn in.

I modded mine with Jantzen Superior z caps and a few other caps, power supply cap changed too & Shinkoh tantalum resistor. I only use the MM stage with external SUT ( AT-700 or Uesugi Ubros 5 L) and it is very good this way.
Jaspert, can you provide specifics on the modification to the power supply? If the result was an improvement, I would like to do the same.
@Jaspert, does one have to have a reverse RIAA filter to break in the jasmine or can one run a tuner right into the Jasmine MM inputs?