Calling all owners - Jasmine LP 2.0 MKII

I've got about 4 full day's use on mine but do not like what I hear.

Question: How dramatically does this phono preamp change throughout break-in?

I hear distortion (spittiness and splashy bass as if it is running out of power) and a flat soundstage.

I am using the stock power cord and umbilical.

I compared it to my other three phono preamps - Hagerman Bugle, V-LPS, Biotronics Control Systems Gestalt (outstanding and extremely rare). They all are much clearer and cleaner.

It must be mentioned that I requested the Ebay seller to provide a reduction in global gain since I have loads of it with my Project Sunrise II headphone amp. They added a switch on the rear that cuts gain by about 5 dB.

Showing 5 responses by redglobe

I have the Jasmine LP SE and it is an excellent phono-stage. I use it with a Denon DLS1. Mine has none of the characteristics that you describe.

Mine has a huge sound stage and fine reproduction of intricate sound.
I replaced my output caps with the Jantzen Superior z-caps on my Jasmine. I don't recall any brightness. Rather, it was like lifting a veil that resulted in greater clarity and life. I use a Denon DL-S1.

Have you checked the VTA on your tonearm? I use a magnifying glass and observe the angle of the stylus in the record groove and strive for 90 degrees. Then, I move the arm up or down for the best sound. I also lean towards the highest tracking force so the stylus properly tracks the grooves instead of skimming past the tiny undulations. When I lose dynamics, I know it is too heavy.
Another consideration on output caps: An Audiogon member told me that Auricaps were even better than the Jantzen Superior Z-caps. He thought the z-caps were only just good. If that is true, the Auricaps must be really remarkable.

If you give them a try, I would like to hear of your experience.
Jaspert, can you provide specifics on the modification to the power supply? If the result was an improvement, I would like to do the same.
Sbrownw, The product sells under both Jasmine and Salience. My guess is that it depends on the initial marketplace and the US customers get what filters through. Salience means prominent and Jasmine means climbing.

What should be most important to you is how faithfully does it reproduce music?