Tube Life

I’m using a phono pre-amp with a pair of telefunken 12AX7 and one 12AT7. I purchased these tubes several years ago and they were rated at about 50% life. Are tube noise and tube rush the only reasons to change out tubes? Everything is silent and yet I can’t help but think that several years of use should indicate some sort of wear. Any experience or suggestions will be appreciated.
I have TFK 12ax7s in a lot of places and 50% could mean 10 more years depending on the circuit. Trust your ears and the poster above who said older tubes become sleepy I think is right with regard to phono stage tubes.
VAC recommends leaving their Signature-type preamps on 24/7 unless you're going to be away from the system for an extended period. That's what they do. I was told to expect to change tubes every 5 years using this regimen. Clearly, they expect a lot of tube life in their circuit. YMMV.
Definitely diggin' it!
Thank you all for your time and experience. Apparently, the ears have it. I was a mite suspicious before posting this and I swapped a set of electro-harmonix in for the telefunkens. While the telefunkens beat the electro-harmonixs originally it was no longer the case with age. What to do with the telefunkens that are now a bit slow. Alas.....
