Teres Tonearm Help

I recently purchased a Teres 135 kit for a very reasonable sum. I sold my RM-5 and am using my AR ES-1 and Sumiko MMT with my Dynavector 10x5. I also have a Glider LO. Looking for a little help picking a Good arm to match these carts and I`m thinking of the Analog Audio MG-1. I have to stay around 1K at this point. Suggestions Please!
The original Rega arm, although a good performer at that price level, was made of inferior (soft) bearings et al, and didn't stand the test of time well. Maybe Express Machinery corrected these faults..I don't know.
Send a note to Chris Brady, he is helpful. Since Teres sells their VTA adapter with their own arm, I'll speculate it can still be bought separately. Your MMT is a good budget arm - maybe worth a try in the interim.
Yes I have spoken to Chris on several occasions and he has been Very helpful. I have purchased some additional parts from him and will call him again and ask.
Around $1k, an OL Silver is a safe bet (particularly if you're a set-it-and-forget-it person and not obsessed with real-time VTA / Azumuth adjustment). I've owned the mk II and mk III, but I'm not familiar with the Silver MK3a tonearm that's currently available.

...and I've owned 2 Teres tables.