Cartridge protractor- the best?

Hello. Would like some feedback on the best cartridge protractor for Rega P9 with RB1000 arm. Why do you recommend your choice? Thanks in advance!
Are you familiar with exhaust sound of Ferrari? Can't confuse it with the others. I heard that they invite someone to tune it by ear. In any case, it sounds better than stereo.
Mounting cartridge by eye-balling it? That could be fun but I am afraid it would take more than a day or two.
I use DB as well and then fine-tune.
More thumbs for Yip's arc protractor. Ie for the individual
combo TT-tonearm because the (different) dimensions of the spindle are accounted for.

Couldnt agree more with yip's mintlp. Highly accurate . Need bright light & suggest to set up with a 10 x 20 monocular
Can someone please explain how any of these alignment protractors being discussed that use line of sight from spindle to pivot can be as accurate as a protractor that uses an arm and pin/nail (Dr. Feikert or Clearaudio) that locks the protractor to the arm's pivot point ? Seems to me using line of sight, it would be easy to be off by a few millimeter's either way, resulting in an inaccurate cart alignment.