Help me start off right in the reel to reel realm

I am ready to take the plunge. I want to get a good reel to reel system for playback only of pre-recorded tapes. Although I have 3 systems in which it could be used, it will go in the primary system which consists of an Ayre/DPS TT with EMT JSD5 cartridge, Audio Research CD7, Mac/Wavelength Cosecant server, Shindo Masseto, Luxman MQ-88 and Nagra PSA, and DeVore Fidelity Silverbacks. Most everything is tied into a Shunyata Hydra V-Ray or a dedicated outlet via Shunyata power cords. Interconnects are all Aud23. The speaker cable is currently Basis but I am probably going to switch to Chord's top of the line later this year. I listen to classical, opera, jazz, blues, folk, & vocals.

I know next to nothing about reel to reel aside from the fact that to my ears, it exceeds even the best vinyl playback system. Any and all guidance, recommended links, recommended brands/models, perspectives on price/value sweet spots, etc will be greatly appreciated. I want this decision to be well informed and well thought out. I know there are many on this forum who can help me with the former.

If possible, I would like to hit a home run with my decision, meaning the player I select is not only very compatible with my system, but is good enough that I will not want to do the upgrade thing anytime soon, if ever. That could be hoping for too much, but I would at least like to try.
Mepearson - Thanks for the advice on the Studer. Not sure I have room for such a beheamoth (just got done checking out a few on E-bay) but nice to know regardless.
Don't laugh but a year ago I started my quest into reel to reel. I found two people who actually had working ones they were willing to donate to me (I took the Teac X1000R from an audiophile buddy but could have had a working Akai fom a non-auiophile buddy as well). My point - bring it up in conversation to your friends and they may surprise you. Do you know how many people have a turntable in their attic? TT much more fragile so chances of them being in good condition is slim but reel to reels are built like tanks. I asked you not to laugh.

It was enough for me to see if I wanted to pursue R2R or not (and I do/have).
The Tandberg TD20 ASE is an analog masterpiece.
Getting one in good shape and working order is a little difficult. The piece has a natual musicality unmatched by most of the decks out there. I has some Jazz Piano tapes that were simply amazing. The Revox Decks are nice too.

If you can spend $ 600-800 for a nice one and a few hundred more for restoration You be set for the next decade or more.