Removing fine scratch marks from VPI plinth

I've searched the forums and haven't found a thread on this much to my surprise. Just wondering out there how VPI owners of the acrylic plinths of the Aries series tables and the HRX's clean their shiny black plinths and remove those hairline surfaces scratches that can accumulate over time.
High-end auto detailing sites like carry pretty much all the stuff you need. They also have nice stuff for your car.
Keep in mind, I highly doubt you can remove any but the absoulute lightest and finest marks by hand. Removing scratches requires removing material from the surface of the plinth and that isn't happening by hand. At least not with any amount of pressure you would dare put on it. What you are doing is smoothing out the surface and perhaps the very top edge of the scratch and filling it with some polish, which makes it harder for the scratches to catch the light and make themselves visible. Just put a little polish on it and play records. And don't catch that stylus with a microfiber cloth!