Nagaoka MP-500, what's your comment?

Any users of this MM cartridge in question?

There is a lot of talk and discussion on the MP-50 on other threads, but I can't find much info on the MP-500, current Nagaoka flagship MM.

For a MM cart that has MC-like ability to extract ambience and low level detail, and isn't extinct like the Shure V15VxMR (but has a similar if not identical stylus cut), I very much favor the Audio Technica AT150MLX. This is in current production, costs less than even the Nagaoka, and is the spiritual successor of those highly regarded Signet carts from the golden age of vinyl.
Could you describe in some details how this Audio Technica sounds ? How good are the dynamics, bass, overall coherence etc.? Do you think it is generally speaking better than Goldring 1042?
Would appreciate your thoughts.
I have been running a MP500 for awhile now. My stage is fixed at 43db/47k/100pf. The cartridge has a nice midrange and plenty of detail. I found it more resolving than HOMC's in my set-up.
I too own an MP-500 it currently rides in an Origin Live Silver,I have to agree with Normansizemore, it is a very engaging cartridge that throws a wide believable soundstage that frequently extends well beyond the speakers boundaries.

Similar to Slowhead I run mine into a fixed stage as well,43db/47k and I'm getting phenomenal results.I am in the process of having my phonostage's MM section allow for variable loading, to see how much further this cartridge can improve.
when I purchased the 500 I wasn't expecting this level of refinement and transparency,as mentioned it's not the fastest nor most dynamic, it is truly an enjoyable cartridge.
Dear friends: Yes this Nagaoka cartridges are a lot better that any one of us could think ( before we bought it ) due that's a MM cartridge design with a very low price against top LOMC ones.

Yes, the cartridge loading options/alternatives are very important for the Nagaoka and other MM/MI cartridges can shows you at its best.
It is not only if we loaded at 47k or 100k the capacitance value is very important too and we have to look and test the cartridge with different capacitance values.

Regards and enjoy the music,