New favorite VINYL Album?

Wolfgang Amadeus by PHOENIX great sounding, fantastic music, highly recomended. my new favorite vinyl album.
Newly revisited, Talking Heads, Speaking in Tounges, after seeing David Byrne in concert about a year ago, I pulled Speaking in Tounges from my vinyl collection. Bought this record, say, 25 years ago, hadn't played it in decades. Burning Down the House sounds really good, it simply consumes your room.
THIRDEYEBLIND's "URSA MAJOR" excellent songs, fair sound a little/fairly compressed. colored vinyl,likely all digital recording. another new album i like alot is the LemonHeads's "VARSHONS". much better sounding, great songs. a little graphic, but if you don't listen to hard or you like that sort of thing, it is a great ablum. both very highly recommendable.
This one is pretty darn good:
Ben Harper and Relentless7's "White Lies For Dark Times". Great title and cool album cover art work. You have to think about it. Sound is pretty good. A nice tight lower end, but a little bright at times. liked several songs out of the gate, others I had to listen to a couple of times. Worth the price of admission.