Accuphase DP-75V vs Accuphase 800/801

I am very happy with my dp-75V in my sistem,and also I compared in another sistems with another great player lyke AR-cd8,Moon Andromeda,Dp-65V also from Accuphase,and another ...I,and not alone,together with another friends with the same hobby,without dubt,is far the best player,(not only in one sistem).
My big problem, is that I will make an upgrade with the new combo 800-801 from Accuphase,without the posibility to compare directly the two players.Is someone who have the chance to hear on the same setup the two players?
I know,all who not hear a DP-75V in a good setup, will say that is 100% better the new 800&801,but..regarding all direction???,I will compare only on redbook layer,I think the combo ,in the sacd layer,who have also SACD in that ,is better.Thanks for the help.
The Accuphase DP-75V is very close timbral with also very good player Andromeda,but on the instalation where I make the comparation,I can say categoric more control on bass and more musicality from Accuphase gear.The andromeda was a litle forward in high average,(not in bad words I will say).Lyke attack and speed I must say also,the two players, about the same,very good.,
I have a friend who is a big accuphase fan. He just sold his 75V beloved and bought the 800/801 combo. The sound is vastly improved.