which cartridge is good for Well Tempered ref TT

anybody can suggest which cartridge is good for Well tempered reference TT,thanks
These comments refer to a Well Tempered Super, which uses the Reference arm on the Classic table. I have used the Music Maker 111, Shure Ultra 500, Shure V15 type V MRLE, Grado Master (HO), and the Dynavector DV10X Gold (a factory tweaked version of the DV10X4) Right now, my favorite is the Grado, then the Dyna. I thought I preferred the Music Maker at first, but after trying out the Grado again, I think I will stick with it. The Music Maker probably extracts more fine detail, it does have a tinier stylus. For me though , I need timbre, beautiful tone, and excitement. I absolutely hate changing cartridges because of the gruelling set up procedure, but fond memories of the pristine sound of the Dyna tell me I may switch back to it for a while soon. The Well Tempered table is capable of delivering very extended deep, powerful bass, and the Grado definitely exploits this ability better than any thing else I have tried. Not that bass is it's only strong point, it's just icing on the cake. Back when Carl Smith and Transparent were handling the Well Tempered distributorship, Grado products were the often recommended choice. By the way, don't be afraid to try increasing the arm damping adjustment far beyond what you might think seems proper. I have found there to be a magic spot where clarity is increased along with a more realistic sense of the musicians being in the room after I had exceeded the point where it seemed to sound over damped. Am I making any sense? After I thought it sounded over damped,I kept increasing the damping and discovered another region where the sound actually improved beyond anything previously attained.
I have used a Van Den Hul MC-10 for many years with my WT reference TT and arm and have been very pleased with it. kThat being said I think the WT will accept many cartridges with excellent results.
I agree with Donaudio, when I did use the WTT I tried a few cartridges, but my love was a naked Benz Ruby.
I think, today I would try a Skala/Titan
I also used the VDH 10 and liked it. But in a recent test in HiFi Critic it was the lowest rated cartridge, a result which surprised Martin Colloms, who had tested and recommended it years ago. It scored 35 as opposed to a 20 year old Shure V15 thrown as a references score of 63. So it looks like they have changed it or it is subject to large variations. I am in no way prejudiced against them because I use to use one, was a VDH dealer and may be one again. I was considering one myself till I saw this test. Cartridges have gotten so expensive that I hate to take a chance on one which may or may not be good.