Premier Record Cleaner, How to use

I regularly haunt the thrift shops for LPs and I am too lazy to do my usual 4 part Walker cleaning on all of them. I would like to do a quick cleaning to see if they are worth the full treatment. Would cleaning with Microcare Contact cleaner or Premier work and how do you apply it? Thanks, Don
Ok, I didn't recognize the company. I just know it by Premier and I keep a can of it myself. That stuff contains highly volatile (that means it evaporates really fast) chemicals so the crud is still left behind on the lp. I prefer to follow the application of Premier on a new LP with a good cleaner, AIVS in my case. Then I vacuum all of that up and follow with a rinse. Others are certainly free to clean their LPs however they want.
Hi, it's pretty easy to use. I put the LP on my VPI 16.5, start the LP rotating, spray some on the record, and then use a carbon fibre or LAST brush to work it around. In about 3 rev's, it's evaporated.

I spray enough to coat the record and brush enough to spread it around the whole record. 2 or 3 records and you'll figure out the right amount.

It's quick and simple.
I strongly agree with the steaming and cleaning regime. I also have picked up many thrift deals that i use the steamer/cleaner wash to bring them to life. I have not used the walker regime yet but i have been pleased with the results I get. there is an old thread (closed) that highlights steaming techniques
I use the Premier on my used purchases when I'm too lazy to use the Audio Intelligent 3-step process and it's much better that the VPI fluid or Miracle Doctor. Rinsing after Premier with distilled water makes it even better.