vintage turntables?

i dont know, but vintage technics, jvc, and pioneer are the only decks ive had experience with, but they have a special appeal to me. it seems to me that theres all these super fancy turntables out there, and im sure they sound really great, but things like funk firm, the pro-ject rpm aren't the same to me. they're not what i picture a turntable to be. anyone else out there feel the same way? i think what it comes down to is the look. maybe i'm just crazy, i dont know. haha
That Technics should not even be mentioned on this site. Strictly DJ fare. DC Direct drive. With all of those DC pulses and other coupled motor noise, it is unlistenable on a ref or near ref system. Made for a different purpose.


I'll be the first here to call B.S!

You've obviously not really listened to any SL-12xx or if you have you came with a jaded POV. It's OK many of us were jaded and pulled by our nose by hifi snobs who often waste(d) many thousands on sub par vinyl playback and we too thought "Hmm the Japanese couldn't have been right or able to make good to great turntables at more affordable prices." "They had to be cutting corners and marketing lies to us all." BTW no it's not a D.J. table though D.J's use them. And what difference would it make if it was? A turntable's job is to spin the record as accurately as possible, help control other noise and vibration and also be a platform for tone arm to trace a record groove as accurately as the arm can.

The SL-12xx are dead silent in motor noise none of this D.C. plus stuff you state either as being heard or otherwise revealed. They turn the record as near perfect as any turntable can, they are well dampened, have tone arms which are surprisingly good and I defy anyone to tell me they can truly hear the motor or other noise during playback. Motor noise from all too many highly rated and often sold belt drivers can often be heard from across the room at worse to maybe a couple of feet away at best. Not so with the Sl-12xx series and not so with all too many of the better vintage Japan Inc. tables.

Nobody will state the SL-12xx series are the ultimate turntables but they can and often do put to shame all too many of the so called "Wonder" tables being sold to the public which are themselves not being well qualified at being better to great turntables today.

I would have thought that Nakamichi's dragon TT was on the right path with it's self centering platter system.This was most likely the right path, but got lost either because it was much of an expense to manufacture or to much to repair when serviced? The Micro Sekis look like a great deal when considering the amount of enginering and over built quality to these TT.
I understand your nostalgia on classic turntables.

I owned and enjoyed a JVC QLY5F direct drive and had Thorens TD 125 and TD 126 to compare and contrast direct drive with belt drive and suspended vs. non-suspended designs. Much enjoyment was had by all tables and although I think the Thorens is the better table the JVC was no slouch and with the V15MR on the JVC servo tonearm could track anything including the infamous cannon shots from the Telarc pressing of the 1812 overture.

I ended up with a stock Sota Sapphire with FR 64fx tonearm and it easily bested my Thorens. (and I love Thorens and still have my 126). I had the same cartridge to compare in both decks but the SOTA was a clear step up in my system.

I thought so much of the setup that I am in for a SOTA Cosmos Mark IV using the FR arm/cartridge. SOTA's are fantastic tables in my experience. The knock is usually on a fuller more rounded bass notes vice the competition (big hip type bass. As a listener that prefers tube/full/rich as compared to the prat side of the equation, perhaps that explains my SOTA love, although that is a poor general observation and I believe synergy is extremely important.

In any event I work for a living and the Cosmos was a huge investment for me. I lived in the day of the 250 dollar new Thorens or gorgeous Japanese direct drive. Today's prices on everything audio related seems like Scrooge McDuck territory.

Enough drivel, on a budget a classic turntable is a wonderful, aesthetically pleasing, and imho a very rewarding investment but I think you know that.

Have fun!
yup. and i think thats where my journey in this hobby is gonna keep me for the most part. i feel like i want to collect vintage turntables.

You stated "What many do not know is that the RCA plug wires on the 1209/19/29 are actually connected inside the player to RCA jacks. So it is very easy to upgrade from the standard lamp cord RCA plugs they came with. It makes a huge difference."

I have an early 80's Dual 1264 I use in a 2nd system and it still works great. Do you know if this model has the plugs inside and if so, is it easy to get in and change it?