Cartridge Break-in at High VTF?

I'd like to know if anyone has knowledge and experience breaking in a new cartridge at a slightly higher vertical tracking force than the manufacturer's normal recommended force. I'm thinking if the cartridge's recommended VTF is 2 grams, then I'd break it in at something like 2.5 g. The way I'm thinking, this would loosen the suspension more in a vertical direction. Assuming I don't put too much force on the cantilever (like 2.5 g vs. 2), is this a good thing or not?
I usually go little high but not as high as your suggesting. If the range is, say 1.8 - 2.2, with 2 being optimal, go for 2.2 at first, bringing down to 2.1 after 50 hours or so, then down to 2 after about 100 hours. Then revisit VTA and go by ear.
Probably not a good idea, but probably harmless if you use 2.05 or 2.1g instead of 2.0. Absolutely not a good idea to use 2.5g, IMO. You want to break it in, set the tracking force as recommended and play records designed for cartridge break-in, e.g., the records marketed by Cardas and others. They really do work, but it does take time.