Gruv Glide. How many use it?

I have been using it for years. Mostly before I bought a cleaning machine 5 years ago. I thought it worked before I had a cleaning machine. Then after I heard how good a cleaned record sounds I think the Gruv Glide muddled the sound. What do you think?
Used the version 11 for years. I feel it reduces any residual noise and minimizes static build-up. I actually use it after a machine cleaning and still feel it is beneficial.
I use a Nitty Gritty and Gruv Glide. I love the stuff. If you are having the problems you are describing try following the directions better. I had those problems when using to much. BTW - I never thought I would ever disagree with anything Albert had to say.
Gruv Glide works great. It is easy to use, very economical and I can definitely hear an improvement in sound quality.
I have used Gruv Glide for at least 10 years. I wouldn't think of doing without it. It reduces needle wear, increases many positive playback attributes including quieter surfaces, better bass, greater mid-range and upper frequency clarity. It should only be used after cleaning a record on a record cleaning machine since it is a dry lubricant and will scratch a record if used on a dirty playing surface. Last Record Preservative only reduces needle wear and imparts no improvement in sound quality.