What phono stage candidates should I consider?

I will be taking delivery of a new linestage, the Emotive Audio Epifania (tube-based), which will be replacing a Mark Levinson Ref. No. 32 that has a built-in phono stage. I am therefore in the market for a new phono stage. My cartridge is a Lyra Titan, which is mounted on a Basis Vector arm/Basis Debut (vacuum) table combination.

I can, realistically, only review a small number of candidate linestages in my own system, so I need to determine which stages to consider. If I find one that I like, I will go with it and I do not plan on driving myself crazy chasing after the "best."

Some of the relevant details about the Titan are as follows: It is rated at .5mV output and has an internal impedance of 5.5 ohms. Lyra specifies loading of 10 ohms to 47k ohm (they recommend the higher end of the range, i.e, unloaded). If mated to a step up transformer, they recommend 4-6 ohms, not exceeding 10 ohms.

One of the candidates I am looking at is the Artemis PL-1 phono stage. It is a tube-base unit that utilizes a transformer to step up the voltage. I don't know which model of transformer they use, but the brand is a Sowter (my guess is the 1:20 model specified for cartridges with a 3-15 internal impedance).

I can also get in for audition a Ray Samuels Emmeline. I will also be borrowing a friend's phono stage that is made locally, in the Washington D.C. area, by Deja Vu Audio (tube based/Jensen transformer or a more expensive model with Audionote trannies).

I am looking for any comments as to which candidates to consider and any helpful detail of experience mating the Titan with a good phono stage. I do hope to keep cost under $8,000 or so, if that is possible.

Perhaps another worthy contender would be the Sutherland PhD, which it totally battery powered, is said to be extremely quiet, and you may want to read some reviews of it, which are provided in the Acoustic Sounds Website.

My buddy Thomas Back owns one of these, comments about the Sutherland on the Acoustic Sounds Website, and I believe he himself is using the Claeraudio Master Reference Table-Clearaudio Arm, and also the Lyra Titan with what he claims are absolutely superb, dead quiet results. Mark
The Artemis PL-1 is well respected by the most knowledgeable audio guys I know of and serves as the reference phono section for a number of pretty impressive and well-researched systems.
The distant very best sound reproduction I have ever heard had this phono in the signal chain, with (believe it or not) a very carefully built and researched SUT (Slagle).
I do agree with Raul that these step-up thingies are generally unholy. I have always been taught that active gain is best. Considering the above mentioned experience,I hate to admit, maybe this is not true all the time...
I haven't heard everything, but I personally wouldn't dispute that the Artemis has few peers.
Thanks everyone for your help. I've been going back and forth on the step up transformer issue. One of the best phono stages I heard had a step up transformer, but it is a custom-built unit designed specifically for a very low output Allaerte cartridge and utilized an incredibly expensive Audionote transformer. I don't know if that kind of performance can be obtained, except by chance, when a transformer is involved.

I have heard some of the models mentioned here, such as the Sutherland, the top of the line Boulder and the Klyne, but not in my own system (I could probably borrow the Boulder, but, that is a moot issue since I can't afford it).

I was a bit surprised to find out that the nearest dealer to me (Washington D.C. area) that carries the Pass XONO is in NYC.

Raul mentioned the FM Acoustic. I noticed that their former top-of-the-line phono stage is being sold here on Audiogon, but there is no way for me to hear that model. Still, it is a bit tempting.

This is not so easy a task.
Steelhead? I'm using it right now with an old Parnassus, and the flexibility in settings is quite nice. It also sounds very neutral as far as I can tell- using in an entirely new system so I can't isolate how it is performing, other than to note that I changed the phono tubes to NOS Mullard gold pins, which are a little less sterile than the Sovteks that come with it, and I am also using high efficiency speakers, AG Duos.
Worth a try, anyway and within your budget. Not a 'tubey' lush sounding unit though, but terrific dynamics, and i think the autoformer is built in house by Manley, who could tell you more.