Cartridge for SME IV.V

Attention SME arm people - I'm looking for an upgrade path for my SME 20/2A table, and would love to hear what cartridge characteristics make for a good match with the SME IV.V arm. I am currently using a Dynavector 17DmkII which performs reasonably well, but I imagine the arm and table could handle a better cartridge. Any thoughts?
I am using the SME IV arm with the top Dynavector cartridge (the XV-1s). This cartridge is an outstanding performer, and the SME IV and V series arms pair exceptionally well with the XV-1s. IMO you should definitely put the XV-1s on your short list.
I have a Koetsu Urushi on my IV.Vi. It was my first Koetsu and there was a lot of expectation. Jaw dropped when the first notes came out.
I started my SME20/2 IV.V with a Koetsu Black (which doesn't do the 20 justice) and then started upgrading the rest of my system. I was intending to get a Koetsu Rosewood Signature Platinum (RSP) when the opportunity to buy an Onyx Platinum came along.

The Onyx P made all the other investments in the system pay off...It is absolutely phenomenal. Recently I did an A/B comparison with an RSP and my Onyx P...Astonishingly for this level there was a significant improvement in frequency extension with the Onyx P.

So, I highly recommend the Koetsu Onyx Platinum.
My own personal analog guru has very good things to say about the SME V / Benz LP Ebony combination.
I have an SME 30 and the SME arm with the Dynavector XV-1s that bettered a van den Hul Colibri and a Clearaudio Insider Reference by a significant margin IMHO. But, as always, this is a personal preference thing so YMMV