Rega P25, would it sound better than my CDP?

I am currently using a Roksan Kandy MKIII Cd Player. If I got a Rega P25 with a Benz cart, would this set-up give me superior quality over digital in my system?

I guess what I'm trying to say is, Is the P25 on the same level as my Roksan Kandy CDP? Or better?
Agent193, listen carefully to Stylinlp's advice. You can't assess the difference between the 2 media on the basis of a few records played on a cartridge that isn't broken in and possibly improperly set up. I don't know about the others but LZ II is not a great recording and therefore not a good tool for analyzing your system.

Everything you described will change as you change the set up and what it is sitting on. You can't just plunk in a new cartridge and have optimal sound. Does the Rega have adjustable VTA? If it does is it properly set? If not the Benz might not be tracking properly. Are the VTF and azimuth optimized?

The difference in detail and resolution you hear could well be the edginess of digital playback vs. a cartridge that is not broken in and needs to be adjusted.

It takes time, money, and a commitment to learn about set up to get vinyl right. Once you do it is clearly the better of the two. IMO Those who say CD is as good as vinyl have never heard a first class analog rig properly set up.
You just have to listen to what you like to listen to. You make the choice. The debate over which medium is better is over for me. I like the sound of vinyl better.

IS it better? Yes, because I like it better.

WHY do I like it better? YOU have to listen to it and eithre agree or not.

Obectively, fly on the wallishly, is that I play many more records than CDs.

The debate is trivial - what do YOU like?
Stylinlp, great post, very informative. I see now, what I hear as more detail is also annoying me on CD. Digital has a wider soundstage but also thin and dull. The Vinyl surrounds me more and takes me in even though the soundstage may be a little "less wide" it is deeper.

Herman, This tables was my brothers and he had it for just over a year. I believe the cart is broken-in. I have it sitting on a 2mm spacer. After talking with Rega and Benz they both told me to go with a 2mm spacer. A VTA adjuster is on its way but where I have it now I believe is good enough for a good assement. As far as the alignment I checked it myself and it "seems" spot on with the Rega protractor. Another protractor is on its way. Again where the alignemt is right now I believe is close enough to get a good assesment. You are correct about the LZ II Lp. The CD sounds wayyyyy better than the LP and this is due to Digital remastering of the CD (they did a good job). I did not realize it was a "hot print" and it is hard to get over.

As far as the other Lp's I've tried, in the begining I was being too analytical. I was stuck on the wider soundstage and more resolution to detail on CD but I now realize all though there may be a high hat that is more pronounced it is not however as accurate as on Vinyl. Although the sound seems to have a wider presentation it is thin, dull and "tin can" like sounding when compared to vinyl.

The best way I can describe it is Digital annoyingly forces the frequencies on you where as Vinyl lets you hear the music.
You can also try the Rega protractors at vinylengine: [URL=]vinyl engine Rega protractors[/URL]
Sorry Agent, from your original post it sounded like all of this was new to you. It sounds like you are well on your way to discovering vinyl heaven.

I also hate to point this out and embarass you, but wayyyyy is actually spelled waaaaaaaaaay :>)