Rega P25, would it sound better than my CDP?

I am currently using a Roksan Kandy MKIII Cd Player. If I got a Rega P25 with a Benz cart, would this set-up give me superior quality over digital in my system?

I guess what I'm trying to say is, Is the P25 on the same level as my Roksan Kandy CDP? Or better?

Showing 4 responses by plinko

You can also try the Rega protractors at vinylengine: [URL=]vinyl engine Rega protractors[/URL]
My rather opinionated take:

The cd player will sound less "open" than the properly setup P25 thereby making the cd sound dull in comparison. Call that distortion or whatever, it just sounds better.

PRAT will be good on the table. Regas excel at this. Better PRAT than a cd player? I might actually agree with what's his name on this one. But it will still sound dull because it will sound boxed in when compared to the P25.

Pitch stability will not be as good as the cd. An aftermarket power supply will work wonders on a P25 and also improve soundstage depth.

Separation of instruments in the soundstage will be more noticeable with the P25.

The lp will be noisier but you likely will find that you don't really listen to this.

All things considered, the P25 will sound better if you have it setup correctly.

Lastly, the idea that you should stick with the cd player if you don't have a vinyl collection is erroneous. Maybe if you're 90 years old, sure. All that matters is if you have used vinyl shops close to you. I started with less than 100 lps.
I agree Seandtaylor99. It depends. That's why I posted an alternative opinion but yes, I should have stated this. New Vinyl? Yeah, depends on what you listen to. Redone classics cost a lot of money but new music, new vinyl is relatively the same as cd. I bought my Shins and Neutral Milk Hotel vinyl for $10 each. If one is gonna spend $2,000 on a new source and it would put one in a hole for a long time with respect to music purchases, then perhaps one shouldn't be spending $2,000 on anything non necessity.

also, after having heard some players, I don't think you're buying much in going from $1K to $2K (that's a subjective judgement - another no right or wrong here).
agent, I'm not sure what you mean. when I setup carts, I try several different protractors and simply use the one that sounds/tracks the best.