About Lugnut -- Patrick Malone

Many of us have come to know Patrick Malone (Lugnut) as a friendly, helpful, knowledgeable and kind individual. He is a frequent and enthusiastic contributor to our analog discussion forum. He has initiated only 17 threads, but responded to 559 threads. I would guess that many, if not most, of us can recall a time when Pat replied with helpful advice to a question we posted or helped us track down a rare recording. I have come to love Pat as a friend, and to respect him as a man, and I suspect many of you share those feelings.

Today I write to share difficult news with you. Pat has been diagnosed with an aggressive stomach cancer. It has yet to be determined whether surgery will even be worth it. If surgery is performed, most or all of the stomach will be removed, and Pat would face a difficult and long post-op period in the hospital. The medical course is still uncertain, but will be determined soon. Whatever is decided, it will not be easy or pleasant.

Something may be planned in the future to assist the family. For now, Pat could use some of the friendship he so often and willingly showed us. You can email Pat at: lugnut50@msn.com. You can also mail cards, letters ... or whatever. You may email me for Pat's mailing address. My email is: pfrumkin1@comcast.net.

I hope to spend a few days with Pat in Idaho or Nebraska (from which he hails) soon. Between this news, my legal work, getting ready for family arriving for the holidays, Audio Intelligent, and trying to make plans to visit Pat, my head is spinning. If you email me and I don't respond, please understand that I am not ignoring you, but rather simply do not have time to reply.

Pat may or may not have time to respond to posts here, to emails, or to cards mailed to him. But he has asked me to convey to each and every one of you that he has cherished your friendship, your comradery, and sharing our common hobby on this great website.

As we prepare for our holiday season celebrations, and look forward to -- as we should -- enjoying this time of year, I ask that you keep Pat and his family in mind ... and softly offer up, in quiet moments in the still of night and early morning, prayers for Pat and his family. God bless.

Warmest regards to all,
Paul Frumkin
Gregm you should just try to picture Barb as she's a lot cuter than Pat. He'd be quick to say the same thing...

I'm not sure what it means but I still have a picture of Pat that I snapped with my camera phone while we were in Dallas together. I should probably move it to a safer place. I would hate to loose that picture.

Pat - be strong today.
J.D., As usual thanks for your words. I can post my address here if you wish. It's already in this thread somewhere. Just to clarify what I'd like Barb to call on is just phone help, walking her through properly boxing stuff or hooking it back up. I'm sure there are Linn guys here and Supratek guys, etc. so she'd get really good help. Maybe she'll need advice on what to do with my ashes after she's got a new boyfriend. Not you J.D.; you've already got a wife. He he. Albert is one fine friend. Address is: 307 W. Sherman Ave. Nampa, Idaho 83686

BTW, Barb knows how to log onto my account and will post updates when I lay down.

Gregm, greetings back at you. I do hope that some good can come of this thread after I'm done with it. It's a terrible thing but I'm getting used to the undeserved compliments. People that have known me my whole life just think my behavior here is a logical extension of who I've always been. Talk too much. LOL. Can't help it, really. Your thoughts are touching, especially the ones regarding your chldren. Maybe yours will listen to what I have to say. Mine don't. There is a photo of Barb and I buried deep in this thread. It was posted by Jphii. Yeah, she's a lot better looking than me. Poor, blind girl got suckered.

Jsonic, I'll have to think the charitable thing over. At first blush I'd like to think there would be several billion dollars offered up so why not start one? Really I'd like you guys to consider what Ampster had to say above. It would be cool if it could be pulled off. Not many have commented on it.

Nate, you need to quit sending me gifts. Save your money and buy that Kinner plug and play record player you've been wanting.

Just a note about weird experiences. So, I'm taking a fair amount of oxycontin so I'm kinda high all the time. Also, I eat and drink so little I'm surprised that I can even sit here and type. I delay taking my morning meds until I've finished writing. I'm no longer the sharpest knife in the drawer. Yesterday was weird. I was seeing things in my peripheral vision and found myself constantly turning my head to see what was going on. It kind of scared me. So, I ate more food than normal and kept it down too. Maybe I can be scared into getting better. LOL. It was unsettling.
Hi Patrick:

I posted here a couple years ago and this is the first post I have read since. After reading it, I almost have a feeling that something drew me here so I might learn something.

Being something we all face in some inevitable form or another, I can only hope I find some degree of the strength, courage, grace, and, if fortunate,...friendship witnessed here.

Wishing you and Barb continued strength.

I remain
Clueless (Craig)
Craig, you have been missed, and I for one believe we indeed were drawn back for a reason. I too was gone for almost two years, and one of the first people I found was Pat. He reached out in a very special (spiritual) way that told me I was indeed in the right place.

At any rate, we need more clueless people at Audiogon, and those of us who realize we are indeed clueless missed our leader.


You mentioned having a hard time eating and drinking. Have you checked with your doctor about a diet?

In the mid-late eighties a physician named A. Scott Connelly found that with proper nutrition his patients' bodies could fight disease much better than if on a standard diet. Unfortunately, he sold out and caters to the bodybuilding industry now, but it doesn't negate the medical advances he made through engineered nutrition.

At any rate, my thought is to make sure a certain diet wouldn't be beneficial to you in this difficult time.

Every day you're with us and well enough to live a meaningful life is a blessing to every one of us fortunate enough to be touched by you.
