SACD transport for W4S DAC2 DSD SE?

Hi all --

Is there an SACD transport that will work with my W4S DSD DAC and deliver the DSD to it? Many thanks for your time and expertise!
"Regarding a standalone SACD player, what would you suggest in an SACD/CD only stereo player, with XLR outputs, that would offer DAC performance comparable to my outboard DAC?"

There's really no way to answer that in general terms. You need to go by your own personal taste and budget. If you list your system and price range we may be able to point you in the right direction. Also include any other info you feel is important.
I believe the OPPO 103/105 can do this for you. I read where you use the HDMI 2 output for this purpose.

That, and the OPPO is a great blu-ray player.
All the best,
Another vote for the Oppo products. They are very well built, sound great, are very flexible (will handle virtually any type of shiny disc), customer service is among the best in the industry, and the resale value is second to none...
