Is it time to upgrade

I just got new Martin Logan Vistas'and a new Music Hall a70.2 integrated amp and all sounds real good.
But I am using a old Denon 1600 DVD-AUDIO for my CD player'It has the brown burr dac but is quite old now.
Would a newer CD player such as the oppo 95 or the new Rega apollo improve on the old Denon 1600 or any suggestions on a real nice CD player.The $1000 range is my price point/Thanks Bob
Simple question.Is anyone in this hobby satisfied.My old system was a Rotel integrated'Monitor audio rs6'and my current Denon CD 1600.I went 13 years with this system and was happy'but knew I do better.
I finally replaced the Rotel with the new Music Hall a70.2 integrated'the difference was amazing.Not even close.
Then I bought new Martin Logan Vistas'the difference was even bigger.
My Denon while sounding good is old and I know their is better'so I want the best sound possible with my new system.Then I can sleep satisfied.
FWIW, sources are always the best place to look to when you are contemplating a change to, generically speaking, improve the sound of your system. However, differences in the sound from same format sources, like SS digital v SS digital, can be very subtle and dependent on your listening expertise and associated equipment. Quite possibly not worthwhile. Changing the design of the format can be more easily identified, for example the difference between a SS and Tubed CDP can be profound, easily identified, and often preferred. And if you don't like the tone you can change it with a little well considered replacement tubes.

So my recommendation to you would be to watch the AG ads and pick up a good used tubed CDP when one becomes available in your price range. For example a used Raysonic can be found on occasion for less than $1000 (but not often) and its sound is outstanding. For something a bit different, but excellent and much cheaper, and old Cal Audio DAC/Transport combo. The smaller DAC is really a bargin!
Thanks newbie.Good advice.I have been looking at the Jolida tube cdp and a vincent tube.
I was in a similar situation, looking to replace/upgrade my Cambridge Audio 840 CD player. I already have it digital out to a Bryston D/A, so the sound is very good. But I was concerned about the potential of CD players in general, as the specialized transports are being discontinued on a regular basis.

I decided to invest in a "memory" player (the PS Audio Perfect Wave Transport). Its a lot more money than your budget, but it uses a DVD ROM drive instead of the standard CD transport so its "future resistant" from an obsolescense perspective.

It still plays all my CDs and even high res files burned to disk.

BTW, CDs are not going anywhere no matter what the computer audio folks say. For me and the kind of music I like, they are still the main source. I have checked out hig res sources such as HDTracks and the selection of music just sucks. An exception might be SACDs, but you will need a dedicated player for those in any event.
hi bobo7:

you asked a question , here is my answer:

from 1966 to 1973 i owned a stereo system which i prefrred to any i have heard thereafter.

the system in brief was the following:

speakers: 4 quad esl

amps: 4 quad tube mono blocks (2 pair of monos)

preamp: mcintosh c22

analog setup: thorens td 124 table, with ortofon arm and cartiridge.

i have heard thousands of stereo syetms since 1973.

none have given me the plasure when listing to music that the above stereo system did.

the point is that when you are very satisfied with what you here from your stereo system, upgrading is superfluous.