Why Do You Still Have Vinyl if You Don't Play it?

I own 3,000 plus lp's that I just don't play anymore. I told my 14 year-old son that he can have them when he starts college. He said no thanks, he said that he can carry around that much music in his back pocket in his iPod. I tried to explain to him that if he played LP's in college, he'd easily be one of the coolest students on campus. He told me to "get real" and thanks, but no thanks. I think I just may have to go through the task of grading each LP and selling them off. I've tried to convince myself that I will one day play them. I was just fooling myself. For the last fifteen years, I play one or two LP's a year just for the hell of it. I do like looking at them in their Ikea racks and marvel how I assembled my collection over nearly 40 years. I do like it when visitors comment on them and look through them. Cd's killed my vinyl and now my Squeezebox is finally going to bury it.

How many of you still have a sizeable vinyl collection that you don't play, but refuse to let go of?

I think it's time for me to let go.
I have a lot of albums. They are remnants of a bygone era, I like them and would not sell them (too much work to value properly and again I still like them). I still listen to them on occasion when in the mood or when I want to hear something I do not have otherwise. Most sound very good and are a more enjoyable listen than ever when played on my current system which is miles beyond what I had when I bought most of them. Also, used vinyl from the Goodwill store and other inexpensive sources is still teh best sound value out there when you want to listen to something new and different on the cheap.
I ask myself the same question once in a while. I actually played a few last night "just cause". I hope when I retire I will have the time to stop what I am doing and flip the darn thing over. It seems Americans are always so busy we dont take the time out to enjoy the things in life we really enjoy. Opps, no time gotta go....
"I hope when I retire I will have the time to stop what I am doing and flip the darn thing over. "

Good Point.

I will likely have an appt with a lot of my records when I retire someday.

Right now the digital is sounding good too and allows me to squeeze in more listening when I have the time.
I figure there must have been a good reason for me to have assembled a large vinyl collection. This is what I tell myself when I think of selling it off. In the past 5 years, I rarely play vinyl. The task of grading and selling these one at a time is something I'd never ever be motivated to do. Again, I am the one who bought these records to begin with. Too bad on me, I'm stuck with them until the day I decide to give the collection away. Which will probably never happen.