Wadia S7i direct to amp

Looking at simplifying my system, wondering if anyone has heard the new Wadia S7i direct into an amp, and if so, how did the pre section fare? My experience w/ an 860x years ago was that the pre wasn't good enough for me to get rid of my pre at the time (a Cary SLP98).

11-30-10: Bar81
I understand the concepts at play here and as I stated, I have owned Wadia gear for extended periods. Unfortunately, given your posts in this thread, it does not appear that you want to accept anything other than your own opinion. No use in further wasting my time. Enjoy.

you, and anyone else, can believe whatever you choose to believe: some people believe in santa clause, the easter bunny and the tooth fairy, but that's their choice. from my perspective, knowledge has value. the idea of "you don't have to read - just trust your ears" struck me as stunningly ignorant: if you "trust your eyes" you could draw the erroneous conclusion that the sun revolves around the earth...

but don't take my word for it on how the wadia works. you, and anyone else here who can understand the subject matter, would serve yourselves well to actually read the wadia white papers that describe various aspects of the system. as white papers go, they are relatively short and not heavily technical, so they are fairly easy to read.

the reason why i value understanding how stuff works is because on audiophile forums and reviews, i often read authoritative sounding statements that are patently ridiculous. understanding underlying principles is a way that i separate the wheat from the chaff...and believe me, there is a lot of the latter out there.
I am getting fairly tired of people knowing more than other people, that includes people who actually know, but use 3million words to say so, or manufacterers who have a double agenda, maybe a'gon has its limits.
I approach a system of simplicity, staying with my merlins and my berning power amp, source either wadia s7i direct, or sometimes TT Elite Rock with a Berning pre,
so I guess I just have to take both roads; and being a musician, I plan to be utterly happy with both.
mr dennis indeed never chimed in anymore, so what was that about?
however, where it can make a difference is that you can lose resolution through the process or digital attenuation. the source material from a redbook cd has 16 bits of digital resolution. the wadia operates with 21 bits of digital resolution.
Paperw8, I'm pretty sure that the Wadia resolution is 24 bits (& not 21 bits) after it upsamples.

12-03-10: Bombaywalla
Paperw8, I'm pretty sure that the Wadia resolution is 24 bits (& not 21 bits) after it upsamples.

i'll say this again: don't take my word for it, READ THE WADIA WHITEPAPERS and draw your own conclusions. wadia has several whitepapers posted on their website that anyone can download and read.