"The Mystery Of Sound Is Mysticism"


Now if you want to learn something that will help you understand the acoustic revolution in the making  2 articles and a book i posted above) and refine your own hearing :




An interesting very short video:



Imagine the notes in a melody as a set of points in a space and imagine you could see them not as they appear linearly but as they are together  as one form or meaning or image...

This is music...


These theories hint at why I find the later music of Deuter to be so attractive. He has what was once used to describe the writing of Ernest Hemingway - " skillful simplicity."  The better my sound system has become the more can I appreciate what he does. Outwardly, his work might be derogatorily labelled "new age," but I prefer to think of it as a category of its own. Its effect on me is intensely physiological and entrancing, but that did not start taking effect until my sound system could rise to the occasion.
