Back to the DAC

Just a bit of an update. When I inquired about a DAC upgrade in a recent post, it was suggested that I look at upgrading my cables first. Since then, I have done so (see my virtual system for that). Not over the top stuff, but a definite improvement over the mostly stock, generic cables I originally had.

System is sounding pretty darn good, but like most of us, you always wonder what a more expensive DAC will offer in the way of sound quality improvements.

Many of the recommended, higher priced DACs seem to include streamers and/or offer pre-amp capabilities. I have a good streamer and pre-amp and really don’t want all those components in one box.

Have any of you experienced a DAC which offers the sound qualities of highly praised units like the Mola Mola Tambaqui, DCS Lina, T&A 200, Weiss DAC501, etc. which their only function is a DAC?


@blisshifi - Can you elaborate on the NOS filters? How would you describe what T+A is going for in terms of sound? 

@bluethinker Here's what it states in the manual:

NOS 1 - With this setting the upsampling of the DAC 200 is deactivated and the analog output filter (lowpass) is automatically set to 60 kHz for sampling rates of 44.1 and 48 kHz. For higher sampling rates, the setting you selected under the Lowpass menu item is used.

NOS 2 - If you select this setting, upsampling of the DAC 200 is deactivated. The analogue output filter always has the value selected under the menu item Lowpass.

BEZ 1 is a Bezier interpolator combined with a IIR filter. This process produces a result very similar to an analogue system.

BEZ 2 is a pure Bezier interpolator – offering perfect “timing” and dynamics.

FIR 1 is a classic FIR filter with an extremely linear frequency response.

FIR 2 is a FIR filter with improved peak handling.


I believe T+A pretty much include the FIR filters to show how much better the NOS, and particularly, their proprietary BEZ filters sound. In my experience, the three warmest are NOS1, NOS2 and BEZ1. The most detailed, neutral, and balanced with the most holographic soundstage is BEZ2 for me.

Most of my clients who have purchased a DAC 200 prefer the BEZ 2 filter, but a few prefer BEZ1 and some love the NOS filters.

At a very basic principle, T+A strives for emotional response... goosebumps, if you will. Their words, not mine. I've found their gear to be a really great blend of the best of both worlds of being slightly harmonically rich and natural and also having incredible, non-fatiguing resolution and clarity.

Hope this helps!

@yyzsantabarbara You mention the Schitt Yggi, are you referring to the Yggdrasil?It's a bit confusing with the LIM, MIL and OG. Decent review here: The reviewer did prefer the Hugo TT2 (no MScaler) over the Yggi, but at a much lower cost, thought the Yggi was a great value.

I am getting a bit bummed out dealing with a few sellers of used Bricastis at the moment, so I may give the Yggi a shot, particularly as Schiit has the 15-day trial period. Just to confirm, it is the OG you recommend? I may also look out for a decent (used) TT2

@ddafoe @bluethinker The Meitner is a bit pricey used and may be a tough sell if it’s not to my liking and there are no used Merason DAC1 (that I can find) currently for sale. Both look like interesting DACs from Europe, as well as Rockna. It sure would be nice if you could do an in-home demo with all of these!

@navyachts it’s all the same schiit. In my opinion, although these are decent DACs, they’re not on the level of your system.