Best way to sell a record collection

Hello, last fall I sold my record player and decided to go all in on cds. Now I have a bunch of records that I don’t want that are taking up space. Some of the records are really good finds and according to discogs I have some pretty valuable records as well. My question is, what’s the best way to go about selling? I really don’t want to deal with putting the whole collection on discogs and having to ship out one at a time and dealing with packing and shipping. I’ve never sold records so I’m trying to make it as painless as possible while also getting maximum value out of the records that I purposely acquired for their rarity or value or whatever. Does anyone have experience with this? Thoughts, opinions, advice?


If you want to get maximum value for any of your records, you have to go the Discogs/eBay route and try to find a collector; you certainly won't get the best value from a retailer who has to turn around and re-sell it again. There isn't really a painless way; just check out various YouTube videos about selling record collections.

Sold my vinyl gear and am in the process of selling my albums now. I use eBay, ordered cardboard record mailers and ship USPS Media Mail. Sold about 350 so far in less than a year and a half and have about 150 to go. I get good prices and the process is easy.

it's pretty painful to list them and mail them one by one at the post office. When I realize I won't listen to an album again, I take it to my local record shop. (Usually 10 at a time.) He would pay me half of what he would then sell it for. 

So selling one at a time and dealing with shipping is hassle free and worth it? What do you guys find the best method for handling the shipping cost and packing material costs? Is it to include it in the price of the record or as a separate charge?

USPS media mail is very's a choice between ease of sale and getting more money...I sold maybe 20 individually and the rest in larger groups...