Quite a few Bricasti M21 DACs for sale cheap

Retail $16000, now available for $8k-10k. 

I thought they were well regarded. At least its predecessor the M1 was (Stereophile Class A+) and the M21 is supposedly a step up.  I was poised to get one. I'm on pause now.


@mihorn, I am impressed at your ability to discern differences between DACs playing in two different rooms (one a hotel room), on two different systems apparently without any similar components between them, from YouTube videos.

In my experience, the source dictates a big portion of audio system's sound. In those 2 video comparison, one is playing $16k DAC and the other is using 15 years old modded Oppo BDP-95 ($1k retail 15 yrs ago ). The sound should be predictable regardless of the room.

Also, it is the house sound. An audio company system with their flagship gears is their house sound. 

Below is my old audio show videos in hotel rooms. Though my sound is more natural and realistic now. Alex/WTA

2021 audio show

video by Audiophile Junkie (YT id)



In my experience, the source dictates a big portion of audio system’s sound.

Interesting viewpoint.

I prefer to compare components in my system because it offers a familiar baseline.

I can’t make heads or tails of systems’ sound from YouTube videos, and I definitely can’t tell what a particular component sounds like. I don’t have that skill.

I tend to think a system’s sound is holistic, although I ascribe the largest influence to speaker/amplifier pairing.




I prefer to compare components in my system because it offers a familiar baseline.

Agreed. It'll be the best option. But most cases ($10K dac?) it is hard to do. There are many videos of certain gears and listen to them to guess the sound. I've been doing that for a long time and my guess is correct almost always. Better than nothing for sure. Alex/WTA

If I am not mistaken, the M21 also has a third DAC - which is a one-bit converter for DSD streams. This additional DAC is ideal for utilizing the DSD output of SACDs as well as for converting high-resolution audio files downloaded from sources such as HD Tracks.

But most cases ($10K dac?) it is hard to do.

I have thankfully found there is usually a way to audition DACs, regardless of price. There is usually a cost. Maybe shipping both ways. A deposit. It’s worth it to me.


If I am not mistaken, the M21 also has a third DAC - which is a one-bit converter for DSD streams. This additional DAC is ideal for utilizing the DSD output of SACDs as well as for converting high-resolution audio files downloaded from sources such as HD Tracks.


That’s correct, @jmeyers. I haven’t listened to the DSD DAC. It offers the possibility of pairing with a Bricasti M19 CD/SACD transport (presently only possible on an M21), and of course playing downloaded DSD files as you mentioned. I do have a couple. I will it give a try soon.

EDIT: Yes, @audphile1, both the M3 and M1 have the 1 bit DSD DAC.