Wonder Why No Japanese Retippers?

We have them in the US, Europe, Australia, and Russia. Wonder why the Japanese ones have no exposure?

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i know koetsu is shutting down, @neonknight. they were wildly popular over here and offered customers retip and rebuild. that is the relevant part. not knowing isnt evidence of non-existence. 

@cey Then who will service Koetsu for Japanese owners? Will it be another manufacturer like Excel? There is precedent for this in Europe, as Goldring offers retipping services for other cartridges, as does Van Den Hul. 

Here is a list of world wide retippers, and there is not a Japanese rebuilder referenced. Which is also odd since Japanese companies are major suppliers of diamonds and cantilever assemblies. 


Worldwide List of Phono Cartridge Retippers and Rebuilders - Audionirvana.org


I think that list is missing AllClear in Australia, and Joseph Long in the US. 


Seems like there should be some Japanese entries, and all i wonder is why there is not. As @lewm says, there probably is and they only serve the domestic market. Even so, it sure would be interesting to know of their craft and what cartridges they may specialize in. 

Dear @neonknight @harpo75  : The tread is about cartridges and not abouut other audio items.


The best place to buy vintge cartridges are ebay from Japanese sellers and Yahoo and other Japan  sites.


The reason why we can get any vintage cartridges and some of them in NOS or mint condition is for what I posted.


Just comon sense and one of the post of neon confirm mine.



Neon, you don’t realize how introverted the Japanese can be. If you live in Japan and own a cartridge that needs retipping, I’d guess it’s like finding alcohol during Prohibition. You have to know a guy.