Wonder Why No Japanese Retippers?

We have them in the US, Europe, Australia, and Russia. Wonder why the Japanese ones have no exposure?


Showing 2 responses by rauliruegas

Dear @neonknight @harpo75  : The tread is about cartridges and not abouut other audio items.


The best place to buy vintge cartridges are ebay from Japanese sellers and Yahoo and other Japan  sites.


The reason why we can get any vintage cartridges and some of them in NOS or mint condition is for what I posted.


Just comon sense and one of the post of neon confirm mine.



@neonknight  : Maybe Japanese just does not cares about and always are buying the latest models, so who cares about the " past " other that audio´philes as us.


Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
