Wonder Why No Japanese Retippers?

We have them in the US, Europe, Australia, and Russia. Wonder why the Japanese ones have no exposure?


@mijostyn Not all manufacturers/builders still exist. Ikeda does not service their direct scanner cartridges. Transfiguration no longer exists, maybe Mutech will do them? What about the classic Sony, JVC, or Audio Technica?

@neonknight  : Maybe Japanese just does not cares about and always are buying the latest models, so who cares about the " past " other that audio´philes as us.


Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,


@rauliruegas Well the Japanese did buy up much of the vintage JBL, Western Electric, McIntosh, Altec and other classic gear. Seems like they have an appreciation for the old also. 

How do we know that there are not re-tippers in japan available for Japanese audiophiles? I would bet that there are such persons. The Pacific Ocean is a significant obstacle to their doing business in the United States.

It is considered sacrilegious to revive the dead in Japan - the retippers would have to perform harikari - hence no retippers in Japan.  Arigatou!